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happy idol music happy idolheadphones
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>>582941"If it's not on Google, then it doesn't exist."
—You (a fucking retard).
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>>582941You can use DuckDuckGo to get literally the same results as Google, it's basically just a Google proxy.
Pretty much all search engines except Yandex (based and red pilled) give the same censored results.
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and your post is relevant… how?
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>>582951dont get why loonix nerds always derail nice idol threads
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>>582953No one said anything about Linux? You ever hear on the news how they looked up a criminal's search history?
Google literally catalogs every search you make and US intelligence agencies have free access to it.
DuckDuckGo through Tor is completely 100% private and just as decent as Google.
Phones are spyware too, the NSA tracks the location of every single phone in the US at all times, Edward Snowden proved this back in 2013 and they're still doing it in 2022, because these fools were caught immediately via retroactively looking up the phone locations of anyone in this area: NSA also collects every single SMS text message sent through US phone networks, many billions per year.
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>>582963They have headphones on
Go to gnfos to see/hear the mp4
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ddg admitted they alter search results to combat "misinformation" when the whole jekraine thing started so yeah into the trash
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One day, Kanon decided to finally buy a pair of the white WH-1000XM4 headphones. But when they went to the store, they were told that the headphones were out of stock. Kanon was heartbroken, but the salesperson suggested they check out the newer model, the silver WH-1000XM5 headphones.
At first, Kanon was hesitant to consider the silver headphones. They didn't have the same clean and sleek look as the white ones. However, the salesperson assured Kanon that the silver headphones had even better noise-canceling technology and many new features.
Kanon decided to give the silver headphones a chance and purchased them. And as soon as they tried them on, Kanon was pleased to find that the noise-canceling was even better than they had hoped. And the new features, such as the touch controls, were very convenient.
In the end, Kanon was glad they decided to go for the silver headphones. Although they didn't have the same aesthetic appeal as the white headphones, the performance and features were well worth the trade-off. And from that day on, the silver WH-1000XM5 headphones were Kanon's favorite headphones.
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I want Kaede headphones