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>Aired: Apr 8, 2007
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16 is still bad
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>>582705Your dream died so that mine could live, never forget that norm.
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the good times are over
IDC: LCDs to outsell CRT monitors in 2003
Sales of LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors will top US$20 billion in 2003, overtaking revenue from sales of conventional CRT (cathode ray tube) monitors this year, according to research released Wednesday by IDC.
The worldwide PC monitor market will grow by 4.8 percent this year, driven by improving economies and an expected spike in PC sales growth. Last year, sales growth for monitors was just 0.7 percent, IDC said.
LCD monitors are steadily getting larger as improved manufacturing technology helps achieve lower prices. The predominant LCD size now is the 15-inch screen, but by 2005 the market will shift to 17-inch screens.
As prices for LCD monitors continue to fall, and CRT manufacturers fail to explain the advantages of their products to end users, the shift to LCDs will continue, according to IDC.
Experts have stated that the human eye needs to see 25 frames per second to be tricked into thinking that motion is continuous, and LCD monitors have often failed to meet this specification, making them less attractive for showing fast-moving graphics such as those found in games.
The new Diamond View DV159 LCD monitor from Mitsubishi Electric Corp. has improved pixel response time and can show over 60 frames per second, the manufacturer has stated.
As prices drop, manufacturers will increasingly offer LCDs bundled with PCs, and the standalone LCD monitor market will begin to shrink, according to IDC.
The U.S. is currently the world's largest monitor market, accounting for 34.4 percent of monitors sold, followed by Asia with 24.6 percent of shipments, IDC said.
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>>582757Can't tell if trolling
Shit 1024x768 LCD monitors not only existed in the early 2000s they were very common
Old websites were actually hard-coded to display on these 1024x768 screens
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Using a 1440p 180Hz IPS monitor and I only just now feel like flatscreen monitors are better than CRT in terms of input lag and motion.
If you look at input lag benchmarks even monitors from 2021 are a lot faster in terms of real-world input lag than 2019/2020 models
Yeah all monitors have advertised "1ms response times" for a long time but that absolutely does not equate to real-world latency.
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was aware of it when it came out as it was regually posted on b but it seemed too esoteric for me
even the characters looked quite bizarre back then
dont think i watched it till 2010 or 11
>>582802i literally hadnt
didnt even start watching anime in earnest till 2010