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No. 581856

Twelve Forever is an American anime about a twelve year old girl who is scared of maturity and sexuality so wants to be Twelve Forever.

She is 12 so this might not be appropriate to say but I want to teach her maturity with my penis by having sex with her. Because of this, I often look at fanworks based on the show where fan artists place her in sexual situations without her clothes. My favorite artist who depicts this is jcm2.


I also have jacked off to jcm2 artworks but I don't go randomly telling my otabros


why are western piggus so bad at drawing cartoons


They intentionally draw them as disgusting as possible




Post some jcm2's


why do people like sex so much


It would be more interesting if she was like 17 but still acted 12 because she wanted to be 12 forever.


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haha what if you were like 30 but still behaved like you were 12 wouldnt that be weird and quirky haha


Uhh I was like 12, when monogatari started and am basically 30 now and am still tard.


What story?


one sad long sexless story


wait until she finds out sex isnt even real


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shes oata coded


dont understand ntr


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Is it weird if I've fantasized about aborting other men's babies with my dick penetrating their cervix?

Like IRL I would never I vote Republican jk I don't vote but I'm pro-life


that's physically not possible but your fantasy despite being absolutely fucked up and disgusting is probably rooted in human biology

human penises have literally evolved to have plunger like qualities and be disproportionately large (compared to other primates) in order to scoop out the semen from other males during sex because barring cultural constructs humans are inherently very promiscuous



>Origin of life

There's no known way to turn non-living material into life, it's never been done before even in a lab. The belief that dust/water just randomly formed into functional DNA/proteins etc. capable of reproducing itself is absurd.


Mutations can't add new genetic information. They can only delete or rearrange existing DNA. This allows for genetic variety and natural selection, but the lie is when you claim this same biological process, if just given enough time, can turn a single-celled organism into all life on Earth. Darwinist logic is so stupid they see a process and think it has no limits.


>Origin of sexual reproduction

There is no known way asexual creatures could develop sexual reproduction through mutation. Any benefits (or the obvious -50% efficiency) are irrelevant. It's not possible.

This is called irreducible complexity, one part is useless or harmful without the other part(s).

>Missing links

There is not a SINGLE transitionary fossil series. There is some speculated, but none show transitions.

The scientific community believed Piltdown Man was a human ancestor for decades before discovering it was a hoax. The entire "fossil record" is unscientific, lining up the remains of different animals is not evidence they evolved into each other.

>Horseshoe crabs claimed to be the same for 400 million years

They claim you were a fish 400 million years ago.

"They're just perfect" is not a legitimate answer to how an animal could remain unaffected by evolutionary force for 400 million years.


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dna chains didn't evolve overnight in some sulfur pond new proteins 'out of nothing' form all the time in nature most are useless or deleterious and simple organisms carrying this new gene sequence have impaired survival/reproduction abilities so they die out however some prove to be beneficial and after several generations integrate into the molecular components of cells and in a few million years become indispensable

ota confirms this hypothesis it is essentially a showcase of organisms where something has gone horribly wrong with their gene sequencing rendering them mentally or physically unfit for survival which is why nobody here can procreate


doesn't alternation of generations in like 30 types of invertebrates pretty easily explain the origins of sexual reproduction
also, you can absolutely just add genetic material to RNA and DNA plasmids and just make them longer…


that's just some evopsych professor's thinly veiled fetish leaking out


its absolutely real, like your penis hurting if you have an erection and dont come and women's wombs lowering during sex with hot men.


Humans have large dicks because women are size queens. You guys read too much note manga thinking it's to abort babies. Felines have scrapers on their dicks to remove semen but humans do not.


Humans are the only mammals that have sex year round, they don't go into heat. Humans are the only mammals that have prolonged sexual intercourse for an hour before orgasm.


thanks for ruining the thread norms


keep crying norman


Sometimes I tell the ow girl to bend over and hump her for a bit without the usual ritual she doesn't seem to mind

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