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>>581794Yeah, but climate change is normal and natural. It has changed many times through the Earth's history.
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“Recycling is useless, Lis. Once the Sun burns out, this planet is doomed! You’re just making sure we spend our last days using inferior products.”
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>>581794Climate change doomsday cultists don't know that natural sources of greenhouses gases are far greater than man-made sources.
- Volcanic activity
- Geothermal vents under the ocean (The entire core of the Earth is like infinite cars)
- Plants dying
- Wild animals dying
- Wild animals pooping
- Various algae
- Termites (~11% of the world's methane, more potent than CO2)
- and more
Any chart you see of greenhouse gases going back into the distant past is bogus. We don't know CO2 levels of the distant past, the so-called evidence these claims are made from is extremely dubious.
But let's pretend that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old. That means they seriously believe that all of these natural sources of greenhouse gases have been occurring for billions of years… at some points higher CO2 levels than today… and we're still here.
The main argument against this is that it's like a bathtub that can only drain water at a certain rate (carbon cycle), and that humans are adding just enough extra water causing it to overflow. There's no actual proof of this, it's just a pathetic cope. The atmosphere does not differentiate natural vs. man-made sources of greenhouse gases, they act like the atmosphere knows where the CO2 came from.
While the earth remains,
Seedtime and harvest,
Cold and heat,
Summer and winter,
And day and night
Shall not cease.
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>>581811What are you gonna do about it?
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>>581814Otamin won't dare to move a post with such a nice image! The idols will protect me!
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>I will report you and Otamin will come to move your post about 4 days later.
>about 4 days later.
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>>581825>But the himarats made him leaveNo, he left because Oatmeal filtered all posts from his tripcode to "trans rights"