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She saved me.
File: 1672196537373.png (1.54 MB, 1920x1440, King's Field (USA)-221227-….png)

Do you want to talk about King's Field instead?
I spent most of the past ~20 hours playing King's Field II. I just beat the first one recently.
Really love this game, I can't believe I thought it was too primitive but it blows my mind with how well it's aged, the guys making this were not dumb, it's really the essence of Dark Souls just stuck in a first-person PS1 game with Skyrim combat, you gotta play it.
File: 1672211618085.jpg (208.33 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease]_Bocchi_the_Ro….jpg)

Posting Kita The Rock!