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>>580186well now thats not true for example i made a good decision when i decided to watch love live for the first time and everytime i interacted with the franchise after that
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>>580194That's some real Butterfly Effect shit yo
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oldfag here
should have heeded the warnings of the even older fags
sometimes it astounds me as to what i have become but its difficult to be certain as to the extent of influence from imageboards
>>580202Whoa the same thing happened to me, sorta.
>>580203The oldfags made it seem cool and prestigious to be on 4chan long enough to not be a newfag, I was tricked. Being on imageboards for over a decade doesn't make you cool or special. It'll make you special ed maybe….
>>580202I felt cool and underground by being on the cutting edge of the memescape but I didn't bother spouting them much since 99.5% of the school would have no idea what I'm talking about. The biggest thing 4chan did for me back then was introduce me to other "underground" type internet communities and show me that the world of anime was far more vast and accessible than I thought.
But then highschool ended and I realized I could get all my social needs filled by my 4chan friends and they taught me things like hating women and normalfags. On the plus side they taught me that I should be trying at things instead of floating around in life aimlessly.
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