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>MAOI inhibitor
I mean, hopefully you don't just fucking die instead, these are some of the most dangerous pharma drugs and interact with nearly everything including regular food.
>>579970Ya got meme'd. They are safer than SSRIs and the only food that you have to worry about today is cheese. Even in the past, cheese was the only thing that caused anyone to die from interaction, and since food safety practices have greatly improved, even cheese doesn't have that much tyramine in it anymore, let alone anything else. On top of that, people in the past that died from it often weren't even told they had to stay away from certain foods in the first place. You would need to take it and then go eat a block of the most aged cheese you could find to be in any kind of trouble.
They gained reputation of being deadly, because A. SSRIs got pushed by pharmaceutical companies as the new great thing B. doctors don't want the liability from the idiots of the population (99% of people) who cannot follow the simplest of dietary restrictions. And the only drug reactions are with SSRIs and blood pressure medication. That all said, Selegiline is very weak as far as MAOIs go anyway.
So anyway, it came the day before, this is the second day I used it. I don't feel any different. I wrote the above like a week ago btw I just didn't post it
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spread em wide
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>>582676Yeah. Do you have one?
I'll also take a pill that turns me into one of those so-called productive hikkiNEETs though.