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i never said that
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Why would you want to kill yourself retard.
The worst it possibly gets is you go live in God's creation with free food and everything
>I'm disabled
Then get disability checks
>But there's no food
Have you even looked buddy, you probably walked over like 5,000 acorns that grow on every oak tree.
Basically every grass grows some weird edible grain and you can find fields of them everywhere
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I said that to my teacher when I was a edgy teen
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Need to do it before my freedom salt expires in a year or two, don't want to lose access to an easy exit.
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>Kill yourself
>Wake up in hell
Wow, genius idea.
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Hell is not real, it's just a dumb superstition. There is no afterlife.
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>>579247>but unfortunately it isYeah, and we live in it.
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Imagine worshiping a thing that creates cel beings to give terrible lives of hardship to just to have them be unable to cope and kill themselves and then it laughs and tosses them into a flaming pit for more suffering
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doing some contract work and the guy we're doing it for was part of the group i used to hang with at high school he was kind of a dick but i guess ok, hadn't seen him since 05 or 06
anyway he has a successful business, a hot wife, kid, presumably nice home..
meanwhile im still in my childhood bedroom sleeping on my shitty single bed watching weird japanese girl cartoons and still a virgin
what the fuck happened to me
people used to say i was smart, i was a nerd, yet almost every dumbfuck/troublemaker/bully/stoner from those days that ive interacted with has a house/successful normal life
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>>596354Succeeding in modern capitalist society mostly boils down to:
- How much money you were born into
- How extroverted and social you are
- How motivated you are for real life MMO grinding
- Nothing preventing you from conforming to social norms, no disabilities, felony sex charge, autism, etc.
It's likely you are missing some combination of these, or all 4.
>>596354>successful business, a hot wife, kid, presumably nice homegay
>childhood bedroom sleeping on my shitty single bed watching weird japanese girl cartoons and still a virgin good
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I've tried, but it's not that easy…
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we are enkidus
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It's time to get serious about roping.
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nothing particularly bad happened in fact things are sort of looking up but I simply don't want to exist anymore