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Fake and gay
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make a news headline
>>579116 No.579130
>>579122In my correspondence with otamin (which was very curt from his side, and after the domain has been transferred he stopped responding to my emails entirely) he said something to the effect that he uses his admin account details on a lot of other things and that he wasn't willing to give them to me. He also said he doesn't remember the root access login details to the server itself either, which effectively means I have no way of directly transferring the site data.
I'm already trying out something, but if someone knows more about how I would go about scraping ota so we don't lose everything when I point the domain to my server (he said the server lease ota is running on is going to expire at the end of this month), it would be greatly appreciated.
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this is obviously fake dramaposting but
>>579130>He also said he doesn't remember the root access login details to the server itself either, which effectively means I have no way of directly transferring the site data. you could just call the hosting provider to get a new root login. and you can reset the mysql account password as well and update the board admin details row to whatever password you want.
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>the sites novelty
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Bring henri back
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>62.18 KB, 254x128
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