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Tomorrow is my consultation day with a plastic surgeon. I scheduled it ten weeks ago and have had to suffer as the days counted down. Now I will use the technology of man to spit in the face of the god that laughed as he made me into a deformed loser.
>>578419I couldn't remember the post exactly or find it, that's part of why I ask. Possible that oatmin ghosted or deleted the thread, I don't remember what thread it was
I thought it was a joke at first, but I looked up the terms and it was all real stuff
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>>578398I go back January 17th for the procedure that's when I'll start my real life later celboys
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>>578424He's gonna make him bog pilled.
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>>578439"small minds discuss image filenames"
- Socrates
>>578463Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results
- einstein
>>578479Yes the more you think the more women are turned off.
Why do you think intelligent gentlemen from the spinoffs end up cel while borderline retarded meth addicts with neck tattoos have multiple gfs? Those guys aren't that physically attractive.
Women's tastes are in direct conflict with civilization.
>>578420So I was casually browsing looksmax and happened upon the copypasta which I was able to use to find the ota post
>>573192Which I guess was just copypasta and not serious after all