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No. 578040

How much have you missed out on because of your developmental disabilities


I miss henri


File: 1669608362549.jpg (405.79 KB, 850x1320, 377ddaba01adc2e0ca66a07a1a….jpg)

pretty much every loser from high school is doing better than i am
the guys who were smoking weed when young and dropped out
they just got trades then bought houses when they were cheap and started families

all that time i wasted being … smart, learning things, trying to be good-ish..
all pointless, just work a dumb fuck trade now anyway but still sleep in my single bed in my childhood bedroom a pathetic loser


i moved my bed into a different room so i got a change of scenery its nice you should try it


I used to think this way, but then I managed to get a cool job that uses my smarts. Now I live a fun interesting life and my friends that dropped out of school and made money and families say they're jealous of me. If you really want to do something with your life, just do your best to make it happen.


He was our friend. He posted here. But the himarats made him leave.


Wish I went to retard high school instead of high school where everyone went to college and some went to ivy leagues and the like 2 or 3 that didn't go to college only did so because they already networked their way into cushy positions because they were ultra social drug dealer chads. Even my closer friends ended up going to and graduating law school. Needless to say I will never talk to any of them ever again.

The weed smokers in college and highschool all did pretty well in life just because I guess drugs is a great networking avenue.


What's so fun and interesting about your life



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