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Britcels get out
Literally only weird gay British people use this shit.
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why do girls look gorgeous when completely naked but men do not
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>>590419how would you know
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>>590428Humanity was spawned by only two people, Cain's wife was his sister or niece.
I don't think incest is "biologically programmed" out of us, it's purely cultural, and of course men can restrain themselves.
For example this scene in: Die Antwood - Baby's on Fire course incest was deemed wrong later, however different types of incest are treated differently. According to Leviticus 20, incest with your sister was punished less harshly than other forms, only requiring you to be exiled out of Hebrew territory.
>>590431Women are more disgusted by incest than men according to studies. This makes sense because making a mistake in choosing a mate is very costly for a woman. Women who spent 9 months and more investing in an incestuous offspring with a higher chance of defects would have had a lower long term gene survival rate than women who didn't.
Men on the other hand can knock up their sister without that much psychical consequence. Only their society could create a possible consequence, as an extension of protecting the woman's interests, and also the tribe's interest in her fertile womb. Men are also disgusted by it, but not to the same extent (degozaru)
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Single generation inbreeding is not nearly as bad as society makes it out to be and you can pretty easily look up numbers for it. It gets pretty bad after multiple generations.
Also we hate gozaru.
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love sexy babies