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>>575210It's to keep anonymous.
> Or was that response a lie (or imposter) after all?Wow are you sure it's like wearing a pink tuxedo? You can't seem to tell multiple times now, seems like I'm pretty anonymous.
>>575219Apparently I could tell this time, and the other time, and the other other time, and etc. Unless you're saying that you're in a group of people who rename their images to "untitled" before posting, and by anonymity you just mean that you spread your identity through the group. But that isn't anonymity, that's just a collective identity.
So how about a real answer? How does making your posts identifiable keep you anonymous? As far as I can tell, it's closer to pseudonymous, only with a strange alternative to using the Name field.
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gonno make mom my slave
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Whenever a foid comes over to get flipped by my fat neetcock they always say the same lines maybe they really are all npcs
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watch out for those moms they'll steal your boyfriend in the blink of an eye
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i deserve love and affection
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you're going to reap what you sow