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Sure babe, it's Retroarch with a complete PS1 romset would you like to play Valkyrie Profile
Oh and I don't mind pussy juice on my controller I'm not gay don't worry about it.
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A gamer must game.
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Babe why would I use standalone emulators for old consoles? Retroarch has
- One UI (accessible entirely by controller)
- One save folder
- One BIOS folder
- One screenshot folder
- One folder containing everything period
- The best emulators for everything 5th-gen and before, some better than any standalone alternative (Mupen64plus-nx, Genesis Plus GX)
- Universal shaders across all systems that you can't get standalone
- The best shaders period
- Per-game settings and controller maps
- Universal controller hotkeys for screenshot, fast forward, save state, etc.
- Integer scaling
Babe if you don't use Retroarch for <= 5th-gen console you're retarded.
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teenmin my mind is going