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listened to anime music and watched new airing anime
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Ummmm actually her name is Homura
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never had a waifu too awkward and weird
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>2007>Filming a youtube video because you couldn't screen record without Free Unregistered Hypercam 2 watermark>Nirvana Pennyroyal Tea>Spoils Aeris fucking dyingKino overdose
>>571563Watch out this guy knows Japanese this game wasn't released in the west yet.
He is NOT an EoP (English-only Pleb).
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>>571576What? He just released kernel 5.19 himself yesterday, and I don't see any news about him stepping down.
Torvalds is supposed to have the final say, but obviously he can't review all code, that's left up to people dedicated to specific parts of the kernel.
>Now corporate kikes can do whatever they want with linux. FOSS is an evolutionary dead end.Every time a FOSS project tries to add something malicious or abusive it just gets forked and "the community" switches over to that.
It works. It actually happens. It prevents some projects from doing malicious/abusive things in the first place because they know they'd just get FORKED.
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I bought a 1000 yen note
it's green