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>>571538You know nothing of the japcels
They sound almost exactly like western cels it's actually quite interesting
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>>571540Not Futaba but here's one such japcel nest:'re definitely around, you just have to hunt for them
Japan is the land of the cel after all
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>>571558The first thread is a joke/funpost. I'd have no problem if "cel" threads on ota were like that. The second one is also an stretch to call it "cel" or /r9k/. The post isn't screeching about "foids" or whining about being a permavirg. Not to mention it's literally just two threads while the majority of ota's content is /r9k/ crap.
D- for effort.
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Cels are the most punished demographic in society. Even the most lowly untouchable slaves in shithole countries aren't stripped of their reproductive rights. Cels are basically men who are denied their humanity for uncontrollable circumstances surrounding their birth. They will live their lives knowing nothing but scorn and abuse and will ultimately die alone in front of their computers as the innocent victims of a brutally unforgiving world.
>>571567Really? You find
>>571605 funny?
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The cels are adorable
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[Airandou] Osananajimi wa Hikikomori | My Childhood Friend Is A Shut-In (COMIC LO 2022-09)
>>571618>Entitled Why is everyone else seemingly entitled to affection? We just want a fair chance in life like everyone else gets. These things are a psychological need for humans.
If that is acting entitled then you could say people that get raped aren't entitled to not being raped, or that people that get their houses bombed aren't entitled to shelter.
Which is fine, so long as you're willing to agree to it all and not be a hypocrite.
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>>571621Turns out isolating and abusing social mammals for decades makes them a little meaner who knew
>>571567 Me too!
>>571606 Yes because the person who typed it is so far up their own butthole they can't see
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>>571605This is what genetic selection used to be like. The world is merely returning to its natural state.
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Remember when we used to hate /r9k/ failed norms who constantly bitch about no gf? What the fuck happened?
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Hate the creeps and their creep culture destabilizing ota and burying all nice posts. If only there was a way to quell them for good.
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