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>>571212When women say they don't like "big muscles" they mean professional bodybuilders who cut, tanned, dehydrated, roided, and are ready to go on stage.
That's the image that pops in their mind.
Don't worry, there is a 0% chance you're going to go to the gym and accidentally end up like them :————-)
If they see some muscular soldier with big arms still in the top 1% of male physiques they have a completely different reaction, "oh no that's fine they're not too big teehee".
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Big muscles are worth it because in the 5 years of weight training and various diet modifications and hormone therapies and countless hours of effort I one time had a girl compliment my body.
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One one of those are idols.
And modern ota teens have extremely shallow interests limited to weekly anime. It's not like !bar is still here.
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im not an otaku i just want to marry a cute and eternally youthful 13 year old anime girl and protect her from the outside world to make sure that she remains a pure and chaste nadeshiko until the night of my 80th birthday when we will fuck like wild animals and cause a chest exploding heart attack which will result in my ultimate demise and ensure my transportation to the heavens where i will live out the rest of my existence as a guardian spirit who watches over all lolis