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theres a heatwave in effect i got this in the mail with my neetbux today
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Loneliness has followed me my whole life. Everywhere.
In IRCs and imageboards. Forums, Discords, everywhere. There's no escape. I'm God's lonely man.
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Cool image
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ran 13 km there was ice on the bridge and snow was falling the whole time
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>>579562You always seem to do that, ask a question then ask a second loaded question with some ignorant assumption in it. He answered you several times and you said no that can't be it and kept pestering him. I am enjoying this foolish spectacle
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>>579600Why should she bother answering your question again when you ignored all her answers or forgot what they were already?
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>>579601Sorry, I said "seem to always" sort of euphemistically but I just meant "often", my bad mea culpa