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>>570743They look like clawed manhands
The kind of mangled manhands you get from a couple of decades of internet addiction
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Okay but Henri did leave because Otamin filtered his posts to "trans rights", he said so himself.
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PREDICTABLE how this guy called it 5 years ago
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Look at you little plastic soldier!~ You beautiful little plastic boy.
Want pussy, do you? Nuh-uh, you won't get this pussy~
The last thing I want is your sickly cel seed in my womb, growing into an ugly loser like you, my little plastic doll…~
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>>570797I'm not even that bad people big me up like some sort of evil spirit but I'm just like you they do it because they want to be bullies
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if the portfolio youre so proud of is hima in 2021 then im NOT sure what to tell you
>>570796hotaru if she became a drug addict
also a reminder hotaru has the greatest character design of all time