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The world of norms will fall
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The great reset is real
They are going to collapse the economy to rebuild it in their vision.
Ukraine after it loses the war will be used as a pilot country.
You will own nothing
You will accept the 90 year mortgage or live in 1 room commie blocks with communal kitchens, you will not own a car, you will not eat meat except for a rare treat, you will not have kids, you will not own your video games only Xbox Game Pass, you will accept the third-world migrants, if you're lucky enough to own a car it will have DRM/spyware/remote kill switch backdoor, you will not have passwords only biometric data for verification of identity which will be required for everything.
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>>570610Mattress costs $600
Rent mattress to poor suckers for $99 a month on a 36-month contract
Mattress now costs $3,600
But most workers can afford a $600 mattress so they don't sign up for my mattress subscription service
So since I am a multi-billion dollar corporation I will just go to the major mattress manufacturers and buy all the mattresses they make
Mattresses are now so expensive most workers have no choice but to rent my mattresses for $99 a month
(Oh yeah and we do that with housing too)
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>>570618not sure what you mean.
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beep beep short bus coming through it's ota posters