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It doesnt even air until 7 jst idiot.
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didn't ask + your dumb + cringe + shut up + dont post + ratio
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If only Henri was here…
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>>570366It's not really a meme, it's just a Twitch emote, and not a very good one at that. I prefer the vanilla emotes that don't require any addons to view (I don't use BTTV or FFZ). There are of course the classic anime-styled emotes (TPFufun, PunOko, KonCha VoHiYo) but besides those I like to use FailFish, PogChamp, BibleThump, Kreygasm, DansGame, SeemsGood, and some good old fashioned smileys. I was quite a fan of the smileys back in my Twitch heyday. They were a very uncommon sight but I thought they were fun to use, and perfectly expressive. I especially liked the pirate one.
>>570391He's never coming back.
Move on.
>>570397He will never come back.
He will never post here ever again.
NOTHing will bring him back.
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>>570424it makes sense why he would leave someone boring and dumb like me for more cooler people like himself…
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I refuse to believe that. Henri will come back because his friends are here.