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I think thats true for everyone
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just got back from 23.5 km run saw 5 deer and when crossing the river youkoso japari park started playing
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rode 25km
carved up some norm on another bike despite me being a useless flabby alkie
yeah i still got it
>>572882I find it strange that you would sage the top thread of the index. Sageing causes your post to not bump the thread. If a thread is at the top of the index, then it can't really be bumped anyway.
However, I won't ask why you did that, since I have a fair idea of why. (How about hitting the thumbs down button next to my post instead?) But I will ask: why did you remove the newline from your reply?
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>>572883I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad, the dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you cause I find it hard to take
When people run in circles, it's a very, very
Mad world
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Japari Park is dangerous… So is Gensokyo
I would rather live in Flonyard, which really is peaceful and safe and full of pleasant friends
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wish i could have been a school idol
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>>572896I always used to say Flonyard was underrated but no one ever listened, everyone always talked about going to Gensokyo and going to Pokemon world and going to Neo-Venezia world but Flonyard is easily the comfiest and best world to go to
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>>572897wish I was hanyao
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I am watching Dog Days again!
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lol haha the face!
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>>573025ok but I get to be eclair then!
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>>573027Enjoyin doge days but I got sad when I remembered how little screentime Eclair got in season 3…
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>>576810Crying listened to Konata Healing Springs
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when youre sperg and your sperg cousin comes to visit and its two spergs sperging out around each other but im the older more grizzled sperg so am more norm but still sperg
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hiked 13 km climbed up a frozen waterfall it was really slippery and at the top of the hill a doe a deer a female deer appeared
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hey ota ran 11 km in a snow shower while listening to the perfect cherry blossom soundtrack and saw 4 deer on the trail
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mom said a gang of raccoons attacked the house last night and stole the trash but they didnt wake me up
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fat cat