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Is there really any question?
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Steroids, stimulants, and psychedelics
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Enjoy the weed
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Cannabis is pretty much the only thing you can use habitually that isn't going to completely fuck your body up.
>hard to get
You can grow some cultivars from seed to harvest in 2.5 months. Seeds and indoor grow equipment is completely legal.
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>>569267> that isn't going to completely fuck your body up.the things stoners tell themselves
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Love going for a run and then doing some stretching. makes me feel really nice and keeps the scary thoughts away
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>>569272I tried to run a little bit last week and was surprised at how quickly I ran out of breath. I think I'm going to stop smoking and try edibles instead. Too bad magic mushrooms aren't legal yet. My friend in high school tried a small dose and told me that they made everything more colourful, but I've never had the opportunity to try them myself.
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>>569297The poison is in the dose.
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always got horrible panic attacks from weed
even worse now as a 30's 'cel, just have to lie in bed trembling for a while until it mellows out
i can NOT use it
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I remember someone once said (was is Tokiko?) that DXM is the most /jp/ drug.
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im gonna be the richest man in all of NEOPIA
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I took my weed paraphernalia and put it up on a high shelf in my room today. All it does is exasperate my anxiety. Now whenever I get the urge to get high I'll have to get a chair, stand on it, take everything down, and by then I'll have enough time to realize what I'm doing and stop myself. I'm sure my body and mind will be thanking me in the future too.
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>>571006If it's illegal cannabis or possibly even legal it might just be contaminated. Either via mold, pests/mites, fertilizer spilled on it, herbicides/pesticides, dust/soil/debris from the grow room or transport, someone not washing their hands after wiping their ass/petting their dog, and anything inbetween.
Stuff I grew myself is clean and never bothered me, black market cannabis always did.
>>571014I go outside to exercise every day, and I already eat very healthily. I cut out wheat, dairy, and processed sugars from my diet 5 or 6 years ago, and I'm very cautious about eating pre-prepared foods. I always read the ingredient lists when I'm at the grocery store, and I avoid anything that doesn't sound natural.
The rest of those demands are most likely never going to be met because I'm extremely socially retarded and awkward. I would rather remain a quiet recluse and focus on improving my quality of life rather than stressing myself out trying to change my personality and disposition to suit other people.
>>571017I get it straight from the provincial government. I've tried a bunch of different strains from different growers but most of them have caused me some problems, and the ones that haven't had detrimental side effects have not been notably enjoyable. Maybe I just don't have the right brain chemistry.
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I ate some mushrooms a couple of nights ago and it didn't feel like they were doing much so I smoked some and suddenly I started getting audial and visual hallucinations and I spent a long time pacing in the back yard pondering it all it was a bit different from what I'm used to
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>>571033Just inhaled all the nitrous out of the whip cream cans mom bought
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I puff the ganja every day and I have a great life
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>>571083Who the fuck are you talking about. Koko-min?
Does he really play league? Let's laugh at him.
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The best part of my day is the 2-3 hours after taking my morning adderall mindblowing how great things would be if humans evolved to feel that way all the time but the demiurge decided to go with the endless suffering option instead