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Still can't get over that time when a guy that everyone says looks similar to me except is less muscular and 4 inches taller had a girl approach him to ask him out right in front of me.
He said he considered her too fat so he turned her down but she was just a little plump scene type I would have killed to have a girl like that find me attractive but I'm not 6 foot 4 so I don't get to.
He has a cel tier face big dark brown doe eyes horrible chin and jaw he can't even grow facial hair to cover it but because his legs are a little long he has so many doors open to him. It's so much more potent when you get forcefed a pill in the real rather than reading stories or studies on the computer.
We even have similar demeanors he doesn't have some alpha chad persona or a bunch of friends. He lives with his parents making $12 a hour as a box stacker.
Just be tall.
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The more my test levels go back up to normal the worse I feel. Perhaps the whole point of being male is to suffer, at least for the low status ones.
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read about the sneaker males