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it was okay, no one was at the office so i could blast the ac as much as i wanted
>>568198dont use homo as an insult
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It was just another boring day…
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>i woke up
>was still cel
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>>568265>Otamin logs in and deletes a thread>This post shows up right afterHmmmmm
>>568267they were quoting me from the future
i woke up was still cel
No you can't just post cringe on ota
Otamin logs in and deletes a thread This post shows up right after
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day 2 was pretty much as bad as day 1
hypersalivation wouldn't stop
nearly choked a couple times trying to sleep
mom kept trying to rush me into eating food i wasn't ready to eat
milkshakes are good but watch out for the phlegm
did a bunch of saltwater rinses
im on day 3 now and shes running some bullshit errand and left me alone i could die
pain isn't as strong today at least
if im careful i can avoid the dry socket
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im so hungry
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apparently i still can't chew food because i have bone spurs preventing my jaw from closing fully
its like having a splinter in your mouth fanFLIPPINGtastic
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I went through this entire game Euphoria with a guide only to find out that scene from episode 5 in the anime doesn't even exist in the game.
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