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yummy looking treats
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why do the bunnies eat meat
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i assume its a metaphor for her role in the soon to be ensuing yuri antics
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otabros I'm not feeling so good…
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the norms ruthlessly abuse anyone NOT like them
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love to snooze on a nice ergonomic futon
You stalk Hanako into an alleyway in your quest to become a woman, you yell at her OII BUSU! SUKEN SEN WO WATASEEEE! SUGU NI!!!! she stammers "s-s-sumimasen, n-n-nani wo motomete iru desuka??" , the little bitch is pretending that she doesn't know where her skene's gland is, "KUSO MEBUTA, OMAE GA JIBUN NO KARADA WO SIRANEEEE N KA? AHO NANDAYARO? OSHIKO NO TOKI MANKO NO KUCHIBIRU GA HIROGENEEE KA? JA, SUKEN-SEN WO IRANEE MITAI KARA… KAIBOU JISSHUU SUTA-TO!". Years of malding away has reduced your bmi to 16, she bucks about and overpowers you easily, but with the power of a tanto on your side you stab her precisely in the gallbladder and miss her womb because you have studied religiously over the past decade. Now you sever her femoral nerves with your yanagiba but her thighs are too thick, so you hack at them with a good old chink hochou, now she has lost control over her legs and is easily displayed in spread eagle position. Now because you yourself have no idea how deep the skene's gland even goes, it's full pelvic exenteration time! You bore a hole around her vulva with superior kazusabori technique that you learned from your grandfather, at this point she is in shock and has stopped screaming "keisatsu!!".
You grab her flexible, throbbing womb and yank it really hard as if you were gutting a fish to dislodge it, you need to hurry up or else it will rot. The womb, ovaries, and bladder come out in one piece, thankfully, although there is still some belly fat connected to the whole shebang you need ice. and quick. You muon satsujin jutsu the nearest yoshinoya delivery boy you can find and outrage his modesty by injecting silicone into his dead dick and using him as a dildo. You pack the womb, ovaries, vulva, etc. into the iced food delivery box. You hijack a doctor heli, fly to NTT medical center, and hold it up with your type-01 LMAT. You rig the place with C4 and blow up a few cancer wards, and threaten to use the LMAT to send everyone to the afterlife if they don't give you a womb transplant NOW. You are going to power through this with local anesthesia alone because the fucking commies will foil your plan. With your minebea 9mm in one hand, m249 ripoff in the other, and C4 trigger in your mouth, they have no choice but to do your bidding.
You find peace in your old ways, contributing anonymous patches to KDE. You hate to admit it, but you have even developed a liking for Rust. You still click "he/him" in Discord roles to avoid drawing attention to yourself, 5 years after the Hanako incident. You are still extremely secretive, afraid of VCing, and have issues socializing naturally. You would never speak of it in public, but your hobby is reverse engineering obscure decomissioned equipment off craigslist. You have a specific liking for SPARC, m68k, and even openVMS machines, with cute little hostnames like "catbox". You try to sing, but you sound like a eunuch, so you can only live out your dreams through Gynoid Talk and Vocaloid 5. Natural estrogen is giving you cellulite and mood swings but it doesn't bother you anyways. You are too broken to find love, but it was over before it even began. You dress modestly in maxi-skirts most of the time because you are afraid to draw attention to yourself plus you are getting old. You aren't as strong as you once were and find it hard to fend for yourself. You can't even wield your minebea 9mm steadily anymore. You wish you had a bf or husband to help you with the groceries every once in a while. You see kids with cute yellow hats running towards their mothers at the hoikuen. Your icy heart has the slightest hint of thawing but you remind yourself that absolutely no kid would want to be cursed with a parent like you. You buy a ring and necklace for yourself and merely smile whenever someone compliments you.
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