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>>563712I put mine out too, the birds just haven't come yet. For the ants you need to get a moat. You fill it with water and they just turn around when they get to it. Make sure to keep it full because it evaporates away.
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there's a robin that hangs out in my backyard for hours at a time, just sits in one spot and chills
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a cardinal showed up today it had a big fuwa fuwa crest
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This guy has lived for 15,000
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>>563878Even according to atheist consensus the oldest known tree (and oldest organism period) is only from ~2900 BC. two of these are even said to be from before the flood, and they're both on top of high mountains.
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put out the bath today so they can fwip fwip to stay clean and cool
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there are so many birds now i have to fill the feeder every day