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Stole a knife from mom and now I'm really tempted to cut myself with it.
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Sigh if only I didn't have a bad personality and instead was a violent 6'9" murderer girls would give me a chance No.563684
>>563682Those men are bad but they have more of a justification since they are not the gatekeepers of sex like women are. They don't have all the selection available to them, so of course they're gonna have to go knocking on some really questionable gates in order to, with any luck, get a taste of what it's like on the inside. For women there is no shortage of men coming a knocking though, thanks to an unconscious(hopefully!) and collective system of artificial scarcity of access that keeps men desperate. Thus for a woman to abandon her extremely prestigious and powerful role in societal sexual dynamics and start chasing, it means the man has to be REALLY worth it. If he isn't by societal standards, then it'll be judged by society that the woman has some real screws loose. But if it ended there then it would be fine, they'd be PREDICTABLE, but not bad. But as these women are not only rewarding, but goin gout of their way to reward the, arguably, most heinous members of society with something that not even all non-criminal members are allowed, it makes them bad.
I say arguably because of course in those womens (and probably most other women) opinions, those criminal men are still less heinous than the ones they won't have sex with, as proven by their actions.
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>>563684You're an idiot, you spend all your time on the Internet and have a warped view of real humans. Stop whining about the boogeywomen and you might get laid (I think you're too poisoned already)
>>563698Nah, I was persistent for years and didn't get laid. And I talked to girls (and still do) but it has not resulted in getting laid.
Also they didn't have sex with me before my eyes were opened to the truth either, so it's not that.
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If he's on ota then he's at least 25 so yeah, it's unironically over
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friend saw the screengrab collection
>>563721I can't do that, I am too reality-minded and when reality is bad my thoughts are bad
and yeah I'm over 25 now anyway, so it's over even if I did revert back to my naïve, silly, optimistic self, assuming being optimistic and persistent were to even work.
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Sporky would have loved this thread…
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>>563721I don't want to grow old either.
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>>563710Find girls with the same interests as you then, why do you just expect everyone to have the same interests as you
>theyThe way you group all females together this way is one-dimensional projection of your own insecurities
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I've had sex with two girls who liked anime and manga, and have had a few female friends who liked it, but I value their friendships too much to ever want to cross that line with them. I guess I met most of them either at university or at concerts. Actually when I think about it I've had slightly more female friends who liked anime than male friends, and a couple of those male ones were drug dealers with nice big cocks (I've seen them), just thought that was a funny observation
>>563735Far more girls are into anime than the other things I like such as cars.
Girls don't even have hobbies, 99% of the female population doesn't do anything but sit around and stream garbage television, take pictures of their food, and get railed by Chads.
Not like it would work anyway, plenty of attractive guys watch shitty tv so they have enough in common, no need for a foid to reduce her standards to a kind intelligent ota poster with recessed infraorbital vector growth.

>>563745 It was a valid counterpoint to the naïve opinion shared a few posts earlier. I don't think anyone who knows me would describe me as a norm, ha ha.
>Girls don't even have hobbies, 99% of the female population doesn't do anything but You are incredibly stupid :)
>>563759I don't care what the norms that know you say. If you have sex without raping or paying for it you are beyond all doubt a norm.
It's like the ultimate no-nonsense norm-signifier, it doesn't get any simpler than that.
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remember that time henri btfod otamin so hard he disabled the name field for a day
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>>563761Lol, you have a stunted view of the world. Noah Fence but you're emotionally retarded. Freaks can have sex, there are all kinds of men and women in the world. You just have some kind of undercooked understanding of women and lump them all together to validate your insecurities and fears, like that other guy said. You're too scared to actually do something about improving your life situation, so you make up these excuses and strawwomen to justify not making an effort or taking chances. Though reading your posts it's maybe easy to see why you aren't fun to be around.
If you had a brain you would catch yourself before you make dumb generalisations about large diverse groups of people. In fact your concept of what a "norm" is, this scary "other" you project, is also completely laughable.
>It's like the ultimate no-nonsense norm-signifier, it doesn't get any simpler than that.Pffffttt hahaha lol yeah make up whatever bullshit you need to help you sleep better. "Norms" think I'm a weirdo, but I can still find freaky girls into guro and lolicore and whatever to have sex with and talk about books and music. I wasn't telling you that to be like "well I'M not a norm", I'm showing you there's nothing stopping someone like you from getting laid other than your own fear. But instead you make up excuses like bad bone structure or one-dimensional projections of ALL women
>>563846Women only give sex to those of status within normciety. Even the grand neckbeards have status, that's how they get those fat final fantasy gfs.
If you have status that means you are socially accomplished.
You are a norm.
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My brain cannot comprehend a reality where I'm allowed to breed with females it's simply too alien of a concept I regularly have dreams that involve things like flying or getting in knife fights so those must be much more realistic possibilities
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>>563848Obviously it was too many words for you to grasp it all at once, try reading it again and see if you get the point this time
>>563849It's not just bragging, it's pointing out the excuses given were worthless, nothing stopped a weirdo like me going out and meeting other weirdo girls getting laid instead of griping about not getting laid online. But it is also certainly boosting my self-esteem :3 The guy who said they're just making dumb excuses because they lack confidence was right
>>563850I'm only laughing at the lies he's telling himself and everyone else
>>563868>Women only give sex to>those of status>normcietyLol! You're the lamest duck here. I love it when anon makes shot-in-the-dark assumptions about strangers online to try and justify their point of view. Absolutely worthless idiot
>>563896>My brain cannot comprehend a reality where I'm allowed to breed with females >I'm allowed to breed with females It's because you think of people that way
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ENOUGH from the norm
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>>563927This is the snake pit we remove norms
>>563928YOU ARE THE NORM ٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶
YOU BRING RUIN ٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶