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maqueen orz
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Maki birthday!
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Maki getting birthday presents!
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Happy Tomato Day!
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>>563044Please avoid using the term “photoshop” as a verb, meaning any kind of photo manipulation or image editing in general. Photoshop is just the name of one particular image editing program, which should be avoided since it is proprietary. There are plenty of free programs for editing images, such as the GIMP.
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>>563047They refuse to use GIMP for no reason.
One day Adobe will make Photoshop uncrackable always-online DRM and I will drink the tears of all scanlators.
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I use!
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>>563053Yes but they'll still cry about it never being updated again, and I'll drink their tears as they open GIMP to get their 25 cent per page commission on some autistic furry comic.
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wasn't maki's birthday tomorrow
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>>563057Yeah because old /jp/ didn't funpost, it was orderly touhou posting only
Oh wait no it wasn't they were hardcore shiteposters with daily niggy and saten spam
(FWIW I don't appreciate the porn spam in this thread though, one is even copy/pasted)
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I guess I gotta use gimp
but none of the guides are for gimp
No.563087 fact, all the women we talked to preferred that you weren’t. Why? You might wonder. Well if you spent all the time in the gym and you’re very ripped yourself as a man, that may be intimidating to the woman and she might feel like you judge her all the time which can be unhealthy for the relationship.
Maybe they think you look at every flaw they have or that you judge their work ethic. It definitely makes women feel self-conscious especially if they don’t have the same lifestyle approach as you do. It might also come across as you’re just vain and that you just care about your appearance more so than you about her and spending time with her.
women dont care about physique celtron seething
women prefer a funny guy
celtron seething
women dont care about income
celtron seething
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>>563087Why would I seethe all that does is affirm what I've been whining about for years: Foids only care about physical factors you're born with, they don't care about things you can actually improve through effort.
Men on the other hand judge other men by character and honor and merit so they're like wow dude you must slay and you're like well funny you say that…
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love me some halloween maki
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Happy Birthday Maki!!!
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happy birthday maki
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happy birthday maki I like how this artist drew little hearts in her eyes