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What a mess, pick up after yourself and then go back freaks.
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hopefully off a stool with a noose round his neck
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>>562463The norms won't get off that easily
I set an unbreakable block that prevents me from roping with a neutral k/d
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feel when moms cruisin for a bruisin
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>>562747Think I'm going to make a cup too.
I have a coffee grinder for whole beans and a metal strainer you put over a cup and hot water from one of those Japanese water heaters you see in every anime.
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crying will never sit around the kozy k/ota/tsu with my friends drinking green tea from those cute little japanese ceramics made with water from one of those water heaters you see in every anime while eating mandarin oranges
nah i was talking about where some files are hosted dont really matter i just like to stay up to date on some new music