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>>562282Schrodinger's foid
You can't be sure of that if you've never tried it, but if you have that means you're a norm
>>562312Schrodinger's cat is a retarded "scientific" belief that if you put a cat in a box with something with a 50% chance to kill it then it is both dead and alive at the same time.
Obviously this isn't true, a cat can't be dead and alive at the same time, and it's a prime example of how people believe retarded shit if they think it's "science".
It is not figurative, it's just an example, they believe the cat can LITERALLY be dead and alive at the same time.
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>>562337thank you for giving your 50 iq explanation of quantum mechanics whatmin
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>>562337It's not a “scientific belief”, Schrödinger gave that thought experiment to illustrate the absurdity of the prevailing Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. Read a book, you have no clue what you're talking about
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My boyfriend asked me to pop his back by squeezing his middle but I think it was an excuse to get me to hug him I'm not complaining because I'll take what I can get but I do wonder what it's like to hug a girl been a long long time too long to remember
>>562279Anyone online talking about a shadowy “they” is a complete moron, whatever the “they” is: women, TERFs, Antifa, transgender people, Trump supporters, BLM, climate change protesters. THEY are witholding sex from me, THEY are obsessed with genitals, THEY just want to molest girls in the girls' bathroom, THEY just want to loot businesses, THEY are all just nazis… Not enough brahopeless romanticls for any meaningful thoughts on these power dynamics, just griping due to one's one inadequacy
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>>563108 I never go to those places, it's full of the people I just described and worse, and if you can't see the ignorance I'm describing you're as dense as them well. Sounds like you're offended because you have some kind of watery view like that? Call me an NPC or any other meme you like, at least I don't get mad at one-dimensional boogeymen
I've lurked here about 8 years btw, your shot-in-the-dark leddit/twatter assumptions made me laugh