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Except for the lack of pussy you live better than a noble of the 14th century.
Stfu and stop bitching about your life, you should be thanking God you're even alive, or not born in Brazil.
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I have absolutely nothing in common with foids. I feel more closeness and camaraderie to animals than the females of my own species.
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>>561965>nobody is going to own anything in a few years. They are going to make everything into a servicethats what they want you to believe
just take the luke smith pill and move out from the fucking city and live in the country
>>561977what do you need fast internet for?
are you stupid zoomer watching streams?
just learn to use youtube-dl, wget and torrent
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>>561985I didn't make this thread
I fixed that stuff in the link years ago I do think it helped a little but not enough
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sex is not real
now time for meds oniichan
>>562053That's what it felt like
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>Fat retard I trained and provided a diet plan for a year ago and actually followed it all got a gf and now won't shut up about her and sex
I think those diaper wearing wiseneets were right some people simply will never make it in the outside world
I just don't get why he had to send me a video of her panties
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>>562175Hell no the gravy train is over I'm not giving out anymore gfs until I get the gf I deserve or at least one that's nice.
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>>562179To hell with those norms tired of bestowing my wisdom among promising apprentices only to have them take it and run off not even halfway through and become dumb norms rather than killing me and become a cel lord
>>562183Uh maybe in some remote impoverished shithole country.
Farming in wealthy countries is pretty simple with machinery and pays handsomely with government subsidies. Logging and fishing while more dangerous than the average job aren't terribly deadly and can pay pretty decently as well.
I doubt many of those guys are having their base instincts denied though too bad they aren't giving out gfs to anyone willing to cut timber I'm sure a lot of guys under 5 foot 10 would be signing up.