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Whenever I drink I always end up slumped in my chair staring at the ceiling corner silently with water streaming out of my eyes
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>>561634do you have a special anime girl you drink with
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Last time I drank around others I broke into a chuuni spiel much prefer drinking alone and having no regrets the next day
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Five 32-ounce mason jars might not be enough for all this cannabis that's just getting done drying. Smells like hay and citrus but all fresh cannabis has a hay smell before curing. #wtf I love Russia now?>>561651I am immune to negative effects from coca cola and whiskey.
>>561729Take it to /a/ teen
We get bored of that years ago
Have you seen him go, though, oh?
Have you seen him go, though, oh?
Boy racer
Boy racer, oh
We're gonna kill this pretty thing
Boy racer
Boy racer, oh
We're gonna kill this pretty thing
He thinks he got the whole world in his hands
Stood at the urinal
He thinks he got the whole world in his hands
And I'm gonna … kill him !
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
>>561745DEAL WITH IT
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>>561756We took Ota's white knight and we brought him down to our level. It wasn't hard, you see getting pilled as you know is like gravity… All it takes is a little push.
>>561775Imagine being low IQ enough to make a surface level observation like that and act smug about it when everyone knows that humans have been getting taller with every generation and that heightism is amplified by tinder powered modern hypergamy
Room temperature IQ take
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6 foot will no longer be good enough
>>561781Don't care about your spam ٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶
Don't care about your spam on /vt/ either ٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶
If you want to be negative keep it to yourself ٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶
All you are doing is brining everyone else down with your negativity ٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶
You can give up before you even start, but me i'm going to face my challenges and succeed. ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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>>561792You will fail
You will suffer
Outside of extreme outlying coincidences most of how your life will play out is determined at conception
You were born and then it was over
>>561776do you know what youre even arguing here youre part of that height increase youre taller than your grandpa and great grandpa were if youre blaming the generational height increase based on height selection and not better nutrition then youre wrong and since youre cel you will always be wrong because you argue based on feelings rooted in your insecurities in the us has topped off and declining it doesnt support your thesis that women only date tall men immigration should not be considered here booga tinder million people use Tinder every month.
7.8 million of those users are from the U.S.
75.8% of Tinder users are male.
24.2% of Tinder users are female.
there should be less than 2 million american women of all ages on tinder based on percentage of those between the ages of 18-25 that comes out to less than 10% of women close to your age who use tinder
since american height is on a decline and the average height of men is between 5'9 and 5'10 you can estimate that zoomers are on average somewhere around 5'9 which means that 25% of men are over 5'9 and somewhere around 15% of young men are 6ft+ so youre trying to tell me that 85% of dudes wont ever find a date because of height selection right ya nah stop being a pussy the most unattractive thing about a dude is not being under 6ft its being insecure and you can easily change that
this is a cool article on height trend around the world koreas average height increased by a lot over the years a cel would tell you that women suddenly decided to strictly outbreed short men but in reality population heights have increased simply due to better healthcare and nutrition
>>561817Dumb teen. You don't magically change as a person upon hitting some arbitrary number.
Goddamn teens are stupid
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nothing wrong with shy anime girls
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Crying because I'm sober again today…
I just want to escape this hellish reality…
>>561776Cackling at this idiot… I love it when they say something super-stupid then suggest the person they're talking to has “low iq”
>since youre cel you will always be wrong because you argue based on feelings rooted in your insecuritiesThis is why they're so hilarious
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Yes there is. Just take a look at the stars. Entire history of humanity is mere seconds compared to how long they've been around. Incidentally tonight is Wolf Moon.
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There are billions of earth-like planets in our galaxy alone.
And there are billions of galaxies in the observable universe alone.
And we don't even know how big the unobservable universe is but it's estimated to be hundreds of times bigger than the observable one.
There are potentially billions of civilizations like ours, each with their unique history and culture.
But we will probably never meet any of them and explore our universe because space is just too big and space travel takes too much time even at the speed of light.
And the distance between galaxies keeps increasing because our universe keeps expanding every second at a speed faster than light.
And if the multiverse theory is correct there are potentially billions of universes like ours.
Just let that sink in.
>>581802It's not a bad feeling, though. Makes all our problems seem so insignificant.
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>>581874Just because the universe is big doesn't mean there's life anywhere else.
This is primarily an atheist assumption.
God could just want Earth for life and the rest is just a massive sandbox void of life.
Why? Well it would be quite weird if humans could see to the end of the sandbox, or even reach it, wouldn't it? Also to show off I guess.
Lets pretend for a second in atheistic naturalism and that the universe is 13.4 billion years old, even under these circumstances, the chance of even the most basic life randomly forming is zero in every sense but philosophically.
Life has never been made from non-living material even in a lab, there is no understanding of how this could happen, matter randomly forming together into even the most basic life is impossible even on this timescale.
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i only see one idol picture so i know who im siding with
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reminder that she did kaede asmr
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