File: 1647578099922.jpg (138.54 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Uma Musume ….jpg)

File: 1647652678994.jpg (435.87 KB, 1580x2048, FOI1mUhakAIY5Vc.jpg)

love the pony show
File: 1647716385554.jpg (1.59 MB, 869x1400, 91731892_p0.jpg)

>Please excuse my poor English too poor to binge eat
>Please excuse my poor English too depressed to binge fap
My life is hell….
File: 1647719915078.jpg (723.68 KB, 663x1200, 96721831_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>561564soulless western art
File: 1647764840648.jpg (609.47 KB, 1138x1240, mioherc.jpg)

I think the worst part about being strong or perhaps the only bad part about being strong is how easily you can rip your clothes off on a whim when out of it