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like what?
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Mindblowing that out of all the animal kingdom humans have the most brutally unfair mating strategies.
With many of the other mammals the males have to fight for mating rights which is difficult and potentially fatal but at least there is an opportunity for victory, luck may shine down on the underdog. Some male birds have to build fancy nests in the hopes that it will catch the idea of their females. Just one stray blade of grass can be the difference between success and utter failure but at least they can keep trying.
Some fish are so rare that they can travel the dark seafloor their whole lives looking for a fish of the opposite sex and never find one but still the chance that it can happen remains.
Humans on the other hand are different. Males are either born with the bone structure females find attractive or they aren't. If your legs are considered 2 inches too short or the bones in your face are considered 2 millimeters too shallow it can mean the difference between having a pick of mates and never being allowed to mate at all for their entire lives. The unlucky males of this species are born and then it is over, there is no opportunity for hope.
>>561211*sits around and complains about women on a wap site and ignores all female contact*
sigh bros life is unfair why dont women fall into my lap like in my jap cartoons
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slut piano
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>>611569We've all got bills to pay.
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Pan Piano is based. Too bad she's ugly.
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imas devs cant keep getting away with it
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>>611616Is this one of Iori's friends? I don't recognize her
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uh no it's this guy's friend
>>630695theirs no reason to be mean to that poster
>>630691oh ok
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She's even saying on Noel that's she's close to going menhera, might not stream much the coming days.
>>630708it's one of those mistakes only a native could make
ESLs wouldn't realize of and have sound the same
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>>630739Bro it's the 've part of the contraction would've that sounds the same as "of"
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maki piano
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>>630729shes having of a sex week with her boyfriend who isnt me again