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Finger any maidens?
I chose level 1 wretch and I'm leveling up each stat equally
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>>560582It's literally the best game ever made…
Dark Souls wouldn't be that impressive now but I remember back in 2011 it blew my mind and I never felt like that with any other game but OoT as a kid or real vanilla WoW
Elden Ring gives me that same feeling in 2022
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Still playing with all equal stats. Love it because I can use pretty much everything, I mean once I finally find a staff which I haven't which is ridiculous considering all the other stuff and spell vendors I've found.
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>New game thats punishing like old games from a director who has a keen aesthetic sense for low key high fantasy with a touch of the grotesque but now in an open world.
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>>560550I fixed my're toon
Now I am cute
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This is my new Waifu
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>>560751Yeah I've since decided to go equal faith/str/dex
Basically just want to get rid of the points in int and arcane but it's not a big deal.
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This game is so fun.
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>>560758How's magic I completely ignored it like I do the first time in any souls game.
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I've decided all girls need to wear big hats
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I want her to stab me.
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*Pulls out 24 faith sorcery that you cast with a staff and damages self*
Wtf were they thinking?
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So you beat the game. Now what?
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>>561280Now I make a build for every level range and Enjoy CO-OP/PvP.
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>>561390>>561314Have you tried light equipment load, calming down, and pressing roll when they attack?
I've enjoyed all the fights including Falling Star Beast and Radahn with no summons or horse. They are actually all fair and have nothing you can't light roll. Okay except Magma Wyrm and Crystallians they are awful and copy pasted several times.
Godskin Apostle is an example of one of the best bosses they ever made though.
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I am reacting to their attacks and rolling through them, I don't roll before they attack unless I'm dropping my spaghetti.
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