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>>620069We send each other epic discord pokes to play TFT and jong and eternal return.
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>>620074meant these kind of pokes
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>>620087Something why something doing
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alright listen up would you settle for a gf who's your exact match personality wise sort of average in the looks department but she wears khakis and has acne on her face
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>>620139Absolutely but I have an ugly nerdy autistic girl fetish, so it doesn't really count.
Please God just give me a girlfriend somehow.
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>>620145Impossible. Unless you were born into a norm family there is simply no way of getting a real girlfriend. You need relatives and real world friends to introduce you to people. Contacts. That's how it worked for centuries, this is still how it works among the norms.
Our purpose on this Earth is to either devote our lives to a career or NEET aimlessly.
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Have had girls ask me out at work and in college and have borderline absurd crushes on me back in high school, but usually end up just being friends with them cause even they end up realizing how incredibly socially awkward I am 1 on 1 and that my trust issues from child abuse mean I'm entirely unable to initiate physical contact.
Too retarded and mentally damaged to make it even as a 6'4" white guy. Always thought getting a job or whatever the next step in life was would help me get over it, but the only thing that's ever even slightly helped was cutting off basically all family besides my brother.
>>620190you need to commit suicide immediately
the world would be a better place without you existing
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>>620147Stop projecting your own tastes onto me
>>620190I prefer the right even if I was a rich 6'4" Chad billionaire.
>>620147when i see an attractive normal looking modern woman i assume that she has a personality and itnerests that i would find repulsive and insufferable and ultimately makes me want to avoid her
nerdy down to earth autistic girls make me curious about wanting to learn about them and hearing what their interests are and what kind of things they think about and how they view the world and society
although i have never been bold enough to approach a female outside of mmos and even there i have only had a few conversations with seemingly nice girls who probably dont fit into either categories
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oh shit oh shit oh shit what do i say where do i start
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i only have answers, no friends