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>>560337So you have no problem with me buying the house across the street from yours and placing missiles on it pointed at you right?
I mean what's wrong buddy, you wouldn't like that?
Because Ukraine is a corrupt country run by foreign business interests, not the citizens' interests. Ukraine is a country that is bought by globohomo capitalist foreigners that use it for many things, including point missiles at Russia on their border. Why? Putin said in his speech today that the west is desperate to make an enemy out of Russia despite their post-1991 goodwill efforts because Russia is such a physically large and independent country. It literally takes up too much of the world map and doesn't bow to globohomo.
>>560339I told you why. Russia wants more defense against western US and NATO aggression.
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noboardmin is a dumb fucking LOSER
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fuck logocentrism fuck capitalism fuck the west fuck fascism fuck america fuck hollywood fuck democracy fuck liberalism fuck humanism fuck marxism fuck positivism fuck metaphysics fuck teleology fuck disney fuck christianity
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>>560366is that a jojo reference
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>>560345Was going to type this and I see whatmin hasn't replied either. Remember whatmin just because you have the biggest mouth and 24/7 access to the internet doesn't make you able to judge subjects and make concrete justifications.
You are are a dumb shit. Go read more wiki articles and copy that jumbo into your formative paragraphs.
When Russia bombs the US, Russia invades up tot he Reign, Russia then looses loosing almost all of its men, in their more likely than not their own chemical weapons attack against Germany, pollard, and the rest of the eastern block then simultaneously a massive experimental like weapon that shakes the earth will sink 1/3 of England & the coast line of all of northern eureope, France, Spain, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, further into the eastern coast of the US, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Cuba, Western Coast of Africa, Ireland, Greenland, Honduras, Beilize, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama (perhaps the entire country?), Columbia, Venezuela, Guinea, French Guinea, Uruguay, and Argentina.
This will be Russia's last ditch effort to win the war, but alas they too are destroyed in the structure of their army & all of the peoples of Russia will morn the loss of life across the earth & their brotheren as their country Looses the site of why they fought & the death powder of war ravages in nuclear holocaust.
In this the troops of Russia will have run low on all supplies as they try to flee only to die.
This will have left the entirety of the eastern block weak. NATO broken. England turned in on itself with Ireland. The US left mostly dead. All of catholic Central & South America severely weakened starving from fogs of nuclear exposure & the lack of coastal cities.
Here China will have pushed too hard & too fast unorganized & too clumsy for its own goof. They will break past South Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Japan into the West Coast of the US.
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really love this war and think its great hope lots of norms die in it
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>>561460What's wrong about it now? Yeah Russia invaded the rest of Ukraine but I didn't say they wouldn't.
Still is how it started and largely their motives tbh.
>>561461Because it's pure kremlin propaganda and only a contrarian super-retard like yourself could still believe in it after they actually attacked despite fervently denying they would. No, this isn't about the people in donbass or crimea, you fucking retard, it's about the fact that ukraine has huge untapped gas and oil deposits in the east, and them not being a puppet vassal state and getting buddy buddy with the west poses an existential threat to russia because they're a petrostate shithole.
The NATO argument is especially hilarious because russia already borders multiple NATO members and this little adventure just made Finland and Sweden consider membership as well because russia proved the world that NATO's existence is 100% justified.
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>>561462So you really think it didn't have anything to do with them wanting to stop NATO/western weapons and influence in Ukraine?
You know back in the day the USSR wanted to put missiles in Cuba pointed at the US and we flipped out. Basically the same thing, although it's only one of the reasons definitely not the only.
I'm sure wanting Ukraine's natural resources is a bonus incentive but there is no way they would have started this over gibs me dat when Russia is already a massive country with ample natural resources they haven't even touched.
I don't personally agree with going past Donbass and fully invading, but at the same time the more I see "Please die so we can keep Zelensky and the oligarchs in power over this US/friendish puppet state called Ukraine" the more I sympathize with Russia.
>>561464>So you really think it didn't have anything to do with them wanting to stop NATO/western weapons and influence in Ukraine?And pray tell, what possible reason would make the Ukranians ask for NATO/western millitary support? It's almost like russia propped up an insurrection in one part of their country and invaded another one because popular unrest deposed their puppet. Ukraine military was basically non-existent pre-2014. Funny how cause and effect works.
>You know back in the day the USSR wanted to put missiles in Cuba pointed at the US and we flipped out. Basically the same thing, although it's only one of the reasons definitely not the only.Please tell me what NATO country bordering russia has nuclear weapons stationed in their borders? Oh, right, there are none. Meanwhile there's a bunch of nukes in Kaliningrad. Curious.
>I'm sure wanting Ukraine's natural resources is a bonus incentive but there is no way they would have started this over gibs me dat when Russia is already a massive country with ample natural resources they haven't even touched.What part of being a petrostate shithole do you not understand? Like 40% of Russia's GDP stems from exporting energy to Europe. What do you think would happen to Russia if Europe started getting that gas and oil from Ukraine instead because the Russians are absolute fucking dicks?
>"Please die so we can keep Zelensky and the oligarchs in power over this US/friendish puppet state called Ukraine"Do you unironically think the Ukrainian people are dying for Zelensky or any other politician and not because, I do not know, their fucking homes are being invaded and their countrymen are being killed? Also, imagine decrying corruption and oligarchs while fucking defending Russia, Jesus, how does the doublethink not make your head explode?
TL:DR you're fucking retard whose whole world view stems from being a contrarian as a coping mechanism for being a total fuck up at life loser
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>>561467>Do you unironically think the Ukrainian people are dying for Zelensky or [oligarchs/foreigners with their hand in the cookie jar]Yes.
Before the sanctions at least, Russia taking over would've just been a straight upgrade for the Ukrainian people and many people actually wanted that.
>TL:DR you're fucking retard whose whole world view stems from Your worldview is 100% controlled by the western narrative. You do realize in some places you're the contrarian?
>>561468>Yes.>Before the sanctions at least, Russia taking over would've just been a straight upgrade for the Ukrainian people Yeah, Russia's such a great country to live in.
As I've said, you're a delusional retarded contrarian american. There's a reason that every eastern european country that suffered under the russian boot absolutely hates their guts.
>and many people actually wanted thatThat's what the russians thought as well and expected the people were gonna welcome them with bread and salt and that the war would be over in three days. They even sent anti-riot police units alongside the military. It has been already evaporating since the events of 2014 but I'd say any pro-russian sentiment after this is completely dead in the water.
>You do realize in some places you're the contrarian?Yeah, in authoritarian shitholes like russia where calling the war in ukraine a war will get you a prison sentence and where state sanctioned tv hosts scream at military veterans for wrongthink because they wanted a minute of silence for all the russian soldiers that got killed in ukraine.
There's obviously also china, another paragon of free thought you adore but even they aren't particularly enthusiastic about the shit's putin doing.
Also gotta love how you completely ignored the other post that details how fucking wrong you are about everything must be a bitch having suck a fuckhueg I'm always right about everything ego
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>>561480Ahh yes, superior Japanese artists
Girugamesh! No.561485
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I was supposed to be born as a Japanese teengirl but something went wrong at the last minute and I got assigned to an American cel instead and if that wasn't bad enough they cut off my foreskin for no reason at all
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>>563665the norms did this to them i fully understand it