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they'll make up
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>>560259It's literally the ideal height.
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>>560261I'm interested to know who was polled because that dips faster than I'd expect but this actually reflects ``science''
>>560264>>560267See pic and Always do your homework before being a bitter idiot on the internet
>>560269Wow this changes everything, next time I see a foid saying anything under 6' is too short I'll just tell her that her behavior goes against science, that will solve everything
You should "do your homework" too and read more about the heightpill and how it's socially constructed before you try to use le epic science to btfo people who know a lot more about male SMV than you
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It's so over ota it's so flipping over.
I think low status males should hold society hostage you either give us neetbux or we shoot up your schools and malls and nightclubs.
>>560273Are you telling me it's the CCP that brainwashed foids into making me cel?
I'll gut every goddamned chink I see for this.
>>560273You are missing the point again
First, you talk about world average, as if male height in SEA or Latin America is relevant to us. This is an english speaking site, almost everyone here is from Europe or the anglosphere, we are obviously talking about western women in western countries. And the average in these countries is pretty close to 6', I think in some countries like Sweden and Netherlands it's already above that
Second, you talk as if women view physical features in terms of statistics and averages, that is not how it works, if she has made up her mind that 5'11 is too short, bringing up statistics and telling her that you're half a standard deviation or something above the average male height in your country is not going to do anything except make you look like you have a napoleon complex.
>>560276Well first of all you're wrong, this is an American/Italian website. The average male height in both the United States and Italia is 5'9". That study in particular was conducted in the UK, where the average male height… is still 5'9".
Second of all, I don't even understand your point. I'm not and never was trying to tell you that you can date any woman on earth. I am illustrating that actual married couples demonstrate that men can be too tall, which was the original point of discussion. Somewhere along the way, you got lost in your brainwashed loop of hopelessness over low class women posting misandry on Twitter.
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>>560281Every fucking time…
>>560280That's cool man. I'm empathetic to you, so I'll just break this down elementary style. In a canvas of over 18,000 (eighteen THOUSAND) actual married couples who fucked and produced children, the most frequent height difference was between 10-15 cm. The second most frequent was 15-20 cm. There is a significant negative correlation outside of that. That means your widest dating pool exists 10-20 cm above the average height of women. Curve that to assume women prefer the taller end of that range and end up with 5'10" to 6'1", which mysteriously reflects the graph that guy posted. Which, using whatever combination of information you are currently basing your perception of reality on, you called bullshit.
If you're actually a short man, I'm genuinely sorry. But stop falling for disinformation and encouraging others to do the same.
>>560285> the most frequent height difference was between 10-15 cm. The second most frequent was 15-20 cm. ok but men are also taller than women on average just in general
and just because its most frequent doesn't mean it's the only possibility
>>560261I'm 73.5 inches and that's why I'm cel, it all makes sense now
how do I shave off an inch and a half