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I was playing Chrono Trigger and thought Lucca had a really strong resemblance to a character/series that I couldn't remember.
Took me a while to find it I was searching AB for anime from 1990 to 2000 with 40-400 episodes.
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>>560087If you wanted an invite you could've just asked normally.
>>560088No but there's an alternative patch that changes her shirt color to yellow.
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What's the point of using these eye cancer crt filters for 3D games?
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>>560139I didn't have integer scaling on in that one so it was a little fucked up. 3D games don't need CRT shaders like older 2D pixel games but check this out, unfiltered…
File: 1645302644183.png (Spoiler Image, 1.91 MB, 1278x960, crt.png)

>>560152vs. CRT filter
(view these unscaled or don't talk to me)