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No. 559776 you've ever wondered what divine intervention looks like, or if it happens, this is it.
Actual, real, literal divine intervention.
TLDW: Female comedian brags about not having health side effects from vaccines, mocks Jesus saying "clearly Jesus loves me the most", then immediately…
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>>559777>You know there are even more cases of the opposite right,Of bad things happening to "good" people?
Yes but nothing like this. Doctors have no explanation. This video is one of the freakiest things I've ever seen. I'm 100% convinced it was divine intervention and I have a refreshed faith in God.
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Female ``comedians''
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>>559778You are suffering from confirmation bias, plain and simple.
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>>559786*throws lighting bolt at you*
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Diese ewige Anklage des Christentums will ich an alle Wände schreiben, wo es nur Wände gibt – ich habe Buchstaben, um auch Blinde sehend zu machen… Ich heiße das Christentum den einen großen Fluch, die eine große innerlichste Verdorbenheit, den einen großen Instinkt der Rache, dem kein Mittel giftig, heimlich, unterirdisch, klein genug ist – ich heiße es den einen unsterblichen Schandfleck der Menschheit…