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Just wasn't in the cards for us
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>>558866They just need to wear the right clothes.
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>>558879>green with dots: 0-20%>green: 20-25%there's no green with dots lamoooooooo
>>558859This guide will teach you "cutepost" technique.
"Cutepost" is a close relative of funpost. As such, they are often mistaken. If you understand funpost, then "cutepost" will be mastered shortly.
"Cutepost" appear in two forms.
First, long form of "cutepost".
Long form consist of omission of punctuation to create image of childish excitement.
Allowed to use multiple exclamation or question marks at the post end to enhance effect.
Second, short form.
Replacement of punctuation with line break.
You may end each line with exclamation/question mark if you please.
Both forms utilize intentional misspelling.
Compare "what happened?" to "what happended?".
The cuteness is clear to see.
A simple way to boost your "cutepost" strength is to use "a" where "an" is appropriate. For example, "a apple!".
Both forms may contain acronym. "lol" is common and used by posters experienced in "long form cutepost" as substitute for comma or period.
"haha", too.
"you" may become "u", etc. However, this is not always the case. Use discretion.
An example of this is "know" versus "kno", a common problem faced by novice of "cutepost".
In an attempt to maximize cuteness, the "w" is omitted. However, it will likely be viewed as an "ironic funpost" due to overdoing it. It becomes a parody of itself.
Image uploaded is good for "cutepost". Any cute girl is acceptable.
But a true master is cute with even no image.
The big problem of "cutepost" being called "funpost" and vice versa is simply a matter of one thing:
If you are honest in your intent then people will realize it. It's simple.
If you aren't, then it can be seen as a joke or even insult. Then you enter "Hell of Ironic funpost". You can't return.
>>558859Just kidding! You can return!
So manifest your inner little girl! If you believe you are cute, I can believe it too!
I look forward to seeing a lot of cute posts from you! がんばって!
>>558932I don't post cute here since all the other good posters left and we are left with these dogshit ass 4kiddos who think they can force their normproblems of being a doomer failednorm cel retard and everyone will care and somehow this is relevant to otaku culture
There is a better site for cuteposting.
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hello please stick on topic about cute things and being cute and cuteposting cutely thank you
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>>558963You mean being cute and slaughtering norms
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I've almost finished the first novel of my isekai story about an old ugly cel who goes on a mass shooting and exchanges the souls of the norms to a goddess to be reborn in a fantasy world as a cute girl and she meets a lot of friends during her adventures and there are a lot of funny moments when she falls back on her cel ways
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>>559020ignore them and enjoy my henri thread on mindota tonight