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No. 558485
"When one consumes porn, they are entering into lust. Lust is a selfish act. It is an act which is targeted solely at the fulfillment of one’s own, personal desires. Quite often in life, one can fulfill their personal desires in an innocent fashion - If one fancies a delicious meal, they can make it; if one desires a nap, they can lay down and snooze away. The thing is, these desires don’t effect others, they don’t effect the foundations of one’s perception. For when one consumes porn, their desires are met at the expense of another. They will of course find various ways to justify - with rationale and logic - why this isn’t so, but at the end of the day, staring them in the face is the reality of the situation - another’s body/flesh is used for the fulfillment of their subjective, selfish desires. When this action is looked at from afar, we can begin to see what lust truly is, lust is love turned inwards, towards yourself, and yourself alone. Lust is the malevolent reversal of what is right and good; lust seeks to justify itself by way of its own voice. Put plainly, in the act of porn consumption, the only reality which exists is the reality of one, and to that reality it seems all things should bend. Porn shuts out community, it shuts out discussion, it shuts out romance, affection, and intimacy, and, at the depths of its abyss, it shuts out the one true remedy for its ills, love."
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"Sexual repression aids political reaction not only through this process which makes the mass individual passive and unpolitical but also by creating in his structure an interest in actively supporting the authoritarian order. The suppression of natural sexual gratification leads to various kinds of substitute gratifications. Natural aggression, for example, becomes brutal sadism which then is an essential mass-psychological factor in imperialistic wars. To take another example: the mass-psychological effect of militarism is essentially libidinous. The sexual effect of a uniform and of rhythmically perfect parades, of military exhibitionism in general, are obvious to the average servant girl, even though they may not be obvious to learned political scientists. Political reaction, however, makes conscious use of these sexual interests. Not only does it create peacock-like uniforms for the men, it uses attractive women in its recruiting campaigns. One only has to remember the recruiting posters with texts like this, "If you want to see the world, join the Royal Navy." The far-away world is represented by exotic women. Why are such posters effective? Because our youth, as a result of sexual suppression, is sex-starved.""Sexual moralism, which inhibits the will for freedom, as well as those forces which tend in the direction of authoritarian interests, derive their energy from repressed sexuality. Now we understand a basic element in the "retroaction of ideology on the economic base." Sexual inhibition alters the structure of the economically suppressed individual in such a manner that he thinks, feels and acts against his own material interests."-Otamin>>558491t. election zoomer
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happy liz and happy aoi tori
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Tough deciding whether I like this ship or kumiko and reina more
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best ship is Natsuki and Ribbon
>>558713if ice is cold enough it isn't slippery
its only slippery when the surface is closer to melting
>>558724ok that's far below peak slipperiness which is apparently around 20 positive freedom degrees.
ice gets slippery because when you stand on it the pressure of your weight causes some of the ice to melt and its the liquid water that slips along the ice
idk how cold it has to get but at some point your weight is insufficient to melt the ice and it'd be like walking on rock
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"Porn is bad. In fact, it’s not just bad, it’s the worst of the worst. Quite frankly, it’s demonic. And this post will not make any attempt to prove to you that porn is bad. I haven’t the time to enter into debates with people who mistake their own, subjective ‘good-feelings’, with what is objectively true. All I will state regarding the ‘morality’ of porn, or its positive/negative effects on society, is that the matter is quite black and white: Porn is abhorrent, and with regard to modern society it is simply a catalyst for the exacerbation of an impersonal misery made personal. Conversely, No-Porn, ZERO Porn, is good, and with regard to society as a whole, where pornography is not, there sanity might retain a foothold."
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"Porn is bad. In fact, it’s not just bad, it’s the worst of the worst. Quite frankly, it’s demonic. And this post will not make any attempt to prove to you that porn is bad. I haven’t the time to enter into debates with people who mistake their own, subjective ‘good-feelings’, with what is objectively true. All I will state regarding the ‘morality’ of porn, or its positive/negative effects on society, is that the matter is quite black and white: Porn is abhorrent, and with regard to modern society it is simply a catalyst for the exacerbation of an impersonal misery made personal. Conversely, No-Porn, ZERO Porn, is good, and with regard to society as a whole, where pornography is not, there sanity might retain a foothold.
Oh, except hentai and JAV. I don't know how the Japanese do it, but I'm glad they do."
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My sister once smeared her period blood across my forehead and called me Simba all day at school.