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someone actually asked my boss if i was autistic
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Why is it that autismos and geniuses get along so well? Does the intelligence bell curve have something to do with it?
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love that tomoko got friends
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>>558434going based off this review
"surprisingly huge selection of manga. Largest I've seen at any bookstore"
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Autism is my superpower
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it's almost like a really bad strong smell you can't ever get rid of
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like anime girls because they're spergs just like me
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>Females can't be autis- her D&D group video on the channel for some true femcels)
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>>570173They are not I know this because I would court any one of those fine young ladies.
>>570173Ah yeah, teeth whitened, hair and makeup done carefully, video meticulously edited, a true autistic specimen.
>femcelsYou are really detaching yourself from reality.
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Why is talking to strangers so difficult
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A norm asked me if I listen to that Japanese anime music
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>>570243my cousin saw this album cover on my phone and said theyre sexy
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Why was I born outside of the capital of Autism.
>>570251The autism is overstated
They're still norms just less norm than the norms here
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im going to end up killing myself in prison 10 years from now because im too lazy and stupid to protect my online privacy
fuck this gay earth and fuck all of these stupid rules that everyone else decided that i must follow
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>>570340The world is moving towards centralized control of computing and internet by the combined efforts of corporations and governments who have joined together to create truly Orwellian surveillance states. They use censorship, AI, and propaganda to control what the masses think, and homogenize the collective conscious ("I support the current thing", "Orange man bad"). Breaking the privacy and security of personal computing via corporations and intelligence agencies directly working together is a major goal for them because it allows to identify, prosecute, shame, censor, or otherwise punish any dissenters to whatever the current prevailing "rules" are.
>>570345Haha bro I'm not gay.
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>>570349Never made these claims.
>Then why?Got mine fuck you. Can't save everyone from the Orwellian dystopia.
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Churches are now, and have always been, houses of sinners seeking salvation. That is the entire point, and so it has always confounded me that atheists look to Christian 'hypocrisy' as a gotcha. I am no more surprised to see Christians on their third marriage than I would be to find relapsing alcoholics at an AA meeting.
>>570358Nu-Christianity has become a shibboleth for the Very Online right, in the same token that 'folks', 'violence', or 'uterus havers' are for the Very Online left. Whether by the trappings of religion or inclusivity, meanings become obfuscated through word choices that serve no other purpose than to signal to the reader the author's leanings on social issues.
In going through several months of emails today, I decided I'd had enough of one lad who had taken up what I can only describe as 'ironic Christianity.' I have no desire to read anything written by someone who refers to people as 'my brother in Christ' yet has never even seen a bible in his lifetime.
>>570376I get hit by girls and older women.
I got asked out on a date by a girl at work recently and I accepted..
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I'm tall norm too.
I'm as tall as Karin!
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I broke my rule of not going into public on weekends and had a celrage then mom called so I took it out on her dumb bitch