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>>558240Why didn't you say anything about the clown thread? Or like… most threads…
Anyway OP, obviously God. You either believe in creation, or you believe that EVERYTHING was random chance.
Universe and time coming into existence? Random chance.
Life coming into existence from non-life? Random chance (Never been proven possible even in a lab)
That first single-celled organism turning into all life on Earth through random genetic mutation? Random chance.
You believe that if just given enough time, monkeys on typewriters would eventually write Shakespeare. People who deny creation and God base their entire worldview around this and even falsely believe it's scientific or proven in anyway.
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Not the nihilist type and let's just say I don't exactly get along with your god
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The only ones you can trust are your fellow celbros
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cant even trust my celbros theyre all gonno ascend eventually and leave me behind
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>>558261I just turned 25…………………..
>>558275Don't care. The only thing I'm worried about is hair loss.
I'm 1/8" away from a 19" neck and therefore a free gf anyway.
>>5582766'2" isn't even tall anymore and there's no way for them to know you have a bigger penis unless you tell them like a creep. You have an ugly face.
>>558279I don't have to post the personality=looks collage again do I?
My hobbies are better than the typical norm hobbies now like watching netflix garbage and playing video games
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cyptocels btfo imagine being a cel and owning crypto
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>>558241holy shit just find a girl to get your rocks off already
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>>558320You might wanna read up on Jim Keller, bud. Also AMD is getting rolled by 12th gen, everyone expected Intel to wake up but not this fast.
Also fuck AMD for raising prices for 5k series. Their commitment for keeping alive older mobos is impressive though
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>'God or nihilism' is the only choice
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>>558337*donk donk donk*
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI agree my fellow wapanese nigga
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“For the rest of the earth’s organisms, existence is relatively uncomplicated. Their lives are about three things: survival, reproduction, death—and nothing else. But we know too much to content ourselves with surviving, reproducing, dying—and nothing else. We know we are alive and know we will die. We also know we will suffer during our lives before suffering—slowly or quickly—as we draw near to death. This is the knowledge we “enjoy” as the most intelligent organisms to gush from the womb of nature. And being so, we feel shortchanged if there is nothing else for us than to survive, reproduce, and die. We want there to be more to it than that, or to think there is. This is the tragedy: Consciousness has forced us into the paradoxical position of striving to be unself-conscious of what we are—hunks of spoiling flesh on disintegrating bones.”
— Otamin