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>>557976youre a 29 year old unemployed sexually frustrated manchild where your entire world is located inside a squat that mom has to pay for because you rather masturbate for 4 hours straight than work retail
i dont think someone like you knows what shame is
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The idolcels ruined my thread…
>>558035ya whos encouraging violence its not like cel manifestos exist and the supreme gentleman isnt worshiped or anything romantics.pdf
"However, a new hopeless romantic forum,
hopeless, appeared online shortly after, only to be suspended for spreading violence and hate
speech in October 2018"
"We find indicators in the data that identify the hopeless romantic ideology as violent extremism, since the
idea was widespread in the forum that the situation can only be improved by harming one of
the out-groups (attractive men or women). This becomes evident in the frequent claims to
abolish women’s rights (see section 4.2), but even more in utterances that can be interpreted as
direct incitement to violence against women (“Disobedient wives should be beaten”). One
particular topic that frequently comes up is rape, which is encouraged. Other cases even show
incitement to kill women. Some users want to see all women dead (“I want them all to die”),
writing minutely detailed instructions of how they should be raped or killed. ….
While some would derive satisfaction from systematically blackpilling the world, i.e., spreading their negative world view, others actively incite violence towards women, or even call for human extinction in general. "
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me choosing the pain of regret
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im team cap but also hotaru
i flippped and flopped alittle
just a wee lil laddies ;))))())))))))))))
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i can't get a job (canadian edition)
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I got a job on accident it pays decently no one bothers me and I can sit in my office alone browsing my favorite spinoffs or whatever but I still can't stop thinking about quitting I'm not sure how to do it because it'll be difficult to explain why I'm leaving after less than a year and how I'm going to find a suitable replacement