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No. 557546

"I had somewhat of a revelation a couple of months back. It occurred to me that the internet is no longer just a sampling of everyday people, but rather it has become a social underclass of, for lack of a better word, losers. If the internet were a person it would be a loud black woman showing up at Walmart in the middle of the day still wearing her pajamas.

In this frame of thought, the various 'qualities' of internet users start to make much more sense. Of course internet users are going to have strong feelings of entitlement and anti-capitalist sentiments - they are on their phones in the comfort of their parents' house at 1130 on a Wednesday! Of course they are going to obsess over the gays and turn sexual preference into a personality - find me anyone on the internet who isn't a porn addict. It should come as no surprise that people sitting around on a workday might fetishize weakness and spawn movements like 'fat acceptance,' or expect free healthcare.

Seemingly the entire internet is depressed, horribly insecure, and oversocialized. These are not the qualities of everyday people, but of this bizarre underclass of losers that is eager to reject healthy habits and lifestyles, yet can't imagine why they and everyone they interact with is a behavioral mess."



can i get a cliffs notes


>but rather it has become a social underclass of, for lack of a better word, losers
I wish. Sadly, the truth is the normalfags have invaded and ruined the internet.


im norm


uhhhh you went over my 280 character limit


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"When I talk to people in real life, they are not on a moralistic vaccine (or anti-vaccine) crusade. They are not curled up in a little ball, terrified that climate change is going to turn Alaska into Iraq. They are capable of uttering sentences that aren't dripping in hollow empathy towards various groups or in-group signals ("Yall," said the urban Portlander). Their opinions have nuance, and aren't just the regurgitation of someone else's talking points.

I guess to some extent this is my fault. Were I to walk into a bar, I shouldn't be surprised to find alcoholics, anymore than I should be surprised to find miserable societal rejects on the internet. It is just kind of staggering that the entire platform should be comprised of them. At any rate, I just have nothing in common with the internet anymore; why would I ever want to read the opinions of a 20 year-old whose idea of fun involves watching another person play video games while spamming pictures of faces and frogs into a chat cesspool? Truly he is not the next Seneca, and I can live without his analysis of politics in the Middle East."



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This dude showed how retarded he is when he made fun of someone from Portland Oregon saying "yall" as if that's unnatural.

Yall is used everywhere in the US by every race.


Get fucked you suburbanite shit eater.


y'all like that 'nime round here?


everyone who liked to talk about anime left


are you confusing this with an /a/ spinoff


I have never said ``y'all''


Used to say ya'll and reckon and all the other southern words until a bunch of sjw norms from up north started stealing them


I too base everything I do on what norms do. Why? Because I'm not a norm.


the tall grass gets cut down


Can't have people go around thinking I'm a nig worshiping yankee


are you confusing this with an r9k spinoff


No, but thanks for asking.


it was a rhetorical question


crying the ratmen invaded mindota last night im still shaken


Link please?




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Clean up your board.

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