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no its sorta like silence suzuka where she loves being active and racing but she kinda blushes and acts awkwards around her friends
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oh my god stop larping already you literally have rl friends and have no problems talking to girls yet you still feel the need to spam ota with virtually the same thread over and over again
dont even bother explaining yourself just die die die die die die die die die die die
>>557365die norm theres no backpeddalling now
kill yourself out of ota
die die die die die die
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>die die die die die die die die die die die
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Sometimes when some teenbros come up and mention how they want to be as big as me someday or ask for advice on things I think about how they're the exact kind of norms that would have been mean to me growing up in public school and how if the universe was a perfect and fair place I would silently stand up and snap their necks but instead I fake smile and tell them to stop eating sugar
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