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magical levitating smartphone
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>>556587apology for poor english
when were you when betty white dies?
i was sat at ota eating smegma butter when pjotr ring
‘betty is kill’
>>556617>the director of the Tochigi Prefecture Institute of Natural Resources in Tokyo, suspected that China is importing more because domestic production cannot keep up with consumptionThis isn't hoarding.
>online discussions were also suspicious. This could indicate that Beijing is likely preparing for a war with Taiwan.>online discussions [ . . . ] could indicate that Beijing is likely preparing for a war with Taiwan.This is the stupidest clickbait I have seen this year. Please never post.
>>556626only the ota administrator can be this flipping dumb and stubborn here we go again
lets use this as reference:"global yield has dropped"
where in that doc has grain production decreased
go to pages 22-25 rice and wheat production has remained steady
now go to page 22
chinas consumption of wheat increased from 121 million tons to 150 million at the end of 2020 thats a 19% increase in just around 3 years no other country has that kind of increase in wheat consumption
go back to page 21
look at chinas import of wheat
page 25
chinas milled rice production has been steady throughout the last 4 years now look at the increase of rice consumption
youre only wrong because you made the assumption that grain production decreased it didnt its stable china however has increased its imports of grain hence they are hoarding
>>556642who says theyre eating it
how can consumption of wheat increase by 19% in just 3 years your own inference
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playing mario karts with my frens after jogging with the ota jogging club
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The answer, my friends, is blowing in the mind.
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wonder if this is what it will be like when my popular time finally comes and i have too many friends who want to spend time with me
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what I do is I lie down place my phone in front of me and rub my cummer on the bed sheets hugging the pillow until I explode
i used it's in case someone decided to bump so it's wouldn't overtake their post because its just me arguing with samplerager
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prefer the stuttering tards like me who wear sweaters in summer
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skip medication have moodswing
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