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>>556576If you're going to /ic/post at least be /ic/.
>>556756Do you have something more concrete and in english. I find it hard to collect the correct information about how to learn.
>>556757/ic/ sure is a weird board full of cope
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>>556759But in order to learn Japanese I need to be able to draw!!!!
>>556762It's not a teen meme, there's a culture of some posters there where all they do is post about how they're too old to get good at art as a coping mechanism for their lack of effort.
>>556763I'm writing it down to be able to help me remember, running practice drills like this have been very effective in helping me better recognize the symbols.
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We're all going to become fluent and get jpgfs in 2022
>>556829because it's a hundred times more likely he's a delusional weeb like most
people on the internet who say they know japanese
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>>556830Maybe, but the raw VN threads were pretty active. But everyone could have been larping with texthookers and google translate, so that's possible too.
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>>556956Is there a girl more purple than Badmella?
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>>557010its not that confusing. artsy people dont get the imageboard illness and so they end up in normie nerd circles drawing stuff for dnd, comics, or tumblr cartoons.
jap computer/programming autists end up obsessing over western communities in a similar way
>>557013it could also be true that art is hard to grasp for methodical autist types that get outcasted and end up here.
even something as technical as draftsmanship gets amorphous and even mystical past mastery of basic fundamentals in my experience
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>>557267gesture/weight, composition, line and shape design were all lacking when i made stiff figures in 3d grid for example
pretty much nobody can teach or explain these nebulous things, as they came to me by revelation
and before you ask, no i dont do drugs
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>>557281embrace struggle and let it guide you